OMActivities Etkinlik Takvimi

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19 Ağustos 2012 Pazar

Küçükyalı ArkeoPark

Since 2008 the excavation has defined itself as the Küçükyalı ArkeoPark, a project geared towards the creation of an archaeological park in the heart of urban Istanbul.  With the aim of developing a site management plan, and with the support of various institutions, the Küçükyalı ArkeoPark project embarked upon the creation of a buffer zone around the protected area that has reached its final form in the spring of 2011.  Much had to be done to clear the buffer zone, including the removal of an illegally built road north of the core of the complex during the 2010 excavation season.

GeoCache Place - Küçükyalı 

Over the past two years, the ArkeoPark Project at Küçükyalı has grown and matured into a full-fledged archaeological excavation—the only one in metropolitan Istanbul—alongside rescue excavations that are emergency-based salvage projects.  The Project defines itself, in Turkey and abroad, as an interdisciplinary Byzantine-period urban-archaeology project aimed at fostering awareness and broadening knowledge about Istanbul`s archaeology and its multifaceted historical pasts.

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